I woke up this morning in pain. That's right, the oh-shit-I-have-a-big-week-ahead-please-don't-be-sick type. Scratchy throat, body aches, stuffy nose. Oh sh...well you get it. I was determined not to let that kind of wake-up define my day, especially after I had the most dreamy, relaxing single-girl-Saturday-night-in (okay, I'm done with the hyphens).

This is how I feel today, even though I woke up feeling ick.
Do you know what I did last night? You don't. I had a candlelit bubble bath while [...wait for it... wait for it...] watching Father of the Bride. That's right. And I'm sure my mother is clenching her jaw right now for two reasons: 1) My computer was in the bathroom, and 2) I just told the blog world I took a bubble bath and that is somehow inappropriate. Well, I did both of those things and they were magical. The computer is dry and functioning, and I just looked outside and there aren't any peeping toms trying to get a glimpse into my apartment. It was the perfect way to spend my Saturday night in. I have mentioned in the past that I prefer Saturday nights in- Friday nights are my single-girl-out nights (oops, sorry... hyphens again). I love my Saturday nights at home. They ensure that Sundays will be filled with good vibes and productivity (usually).

I will dream of this after 12 hour shifts...
Today I have some errands to run and it's back to the books. I took a personal day yesterday, but ended up doing 30 practice questions just to quiet the guilt.
To close this post out... a favorite nursing picture. Nothing to do with anything, just a picture I like.
Community Health at Pine Crest Elementary Pre-K
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