Today I had class again (done tomorrow!) and on my lunch break I had to run home, take some clothes out of the dryer, and pack a bag for overnight babysitting. Last summer I was a nanny full-time for the most awesome family with three kids 5, 10, and 13 (at the time--2 of them are a year older now!). They are so good to me- flexible and laid back. Anyway, the momma asked me to watch them overnight so she could attend an important function with her husband out of town, so here I am. Judson, the middle son, told me I was like a mommy... I was so flattered!!! He said, "You act like a mommy, you do mommy stuff, and now you have a real job like a mommy!" I thought that was so cute. He is such a sweetie. After I picked the kids up, they went outside to play for awhile, then I took Annabelle to gymnastics. While I was there, I watched the older girls (I'd say about 14-16 years old), and WOW- I would LOVE to be as in shape as those girls! Really amazing. Inspiring!
After gym, we all went out to dinner at Subway, which was a strange pick for our group... in all of the many, MANY times I have taken them out to eat-- never Subway. I felt so bad for the people behind us in line as 3 kids tried to choose what they wanted on their subs, their chips, etc. Oh well, I think everyone there thought I was their mom, and I look rather young for 3 kids their ages, and I don't have a ring on my finger, so maybe they felt bad for me. Whatever. With all of the kids I've nannied (6 total), I've really gotten a sense of not giving a ____ as long as the kids are being polite and not fighting or breaking things. Oh- and a tip for dealing with temper tantrums in public places: WALK AWAY. Works like a charm. They might keep crying, but they will stop the screaming and whatnot. Anyway- no temper tantrums tonight! Really, it only happened with the 5 year old over the summer (usually when she was tired or hot), and she has matured so much in Kindergarten! I digress. (<--Katie, that was for you.)
Anyway, by 9:3o, all the kids were in bed, off to Dreamland.
As I lay here, "Good Luck Charlie" is still playing on the Disney Channel, and surprisingly, I'm not itching to change the channel. I am also feeling tired, which is really never the case at 10:30 (In reference to my 5pm lull mentioned earlier, that is just a terrible time of day! I try not to nap, but my "second wind" usually kicks in around 7 and then I manage to stay up til Midnight or later.)
Tomorrow, I will be getting 3 elementary aged kids (1 in K and 2 in 5th) ready for school in the morning. That will be VERY mommy-ish. Hopefully Judson will approve of my performance! :)
Goodnight friends and mommies!

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